Posted on 2017.06.092017.11.08 by RudyCatskill 3500, #9. Indian Head Mountain The second mountain this year of my Catskill 3500 journey. Arriving at the Platte Clove parking lot for the hike up the Catskill’s Indian Head Mountain. Walking from the Platte Clove parking lot to the Indian Head Mountain trailhead. Does this look like a scene from a jigsaw puzzle or what? Starting out on the trailhead. A pretty simple path. After a bit, the path starts getting rocky. After a bit, the path starts getting rocky. A very precarious walk along the edge of a cliff. Coming up on the first vista. Perfect blue skies. Coming up on the first vista. Perfect blue skies. Coming up on the first vista. Perfect blue skies. Coming up on the first vista. Perfect blue skies. Looking down the steep bit of rocks I just climbed. Coming upon another beautiful vista. There is a perfect rock slab to perch upon. Coming upon another beautiful vista. There is a perfect rock slab to perch upon. Coming upon another beautiful vista. There is a perfect rock slab to perch upon. Coming upon another beautiful vista. There is a perfect rock slab to perch upon. Let another beautiful view, this one extremely close to the summit. Let another beautiful view, this one extremely close to the summit. Let another beautiful view, this one extremely close to the summit. Heading back down Indian Head Mountain. Looking for a spot to camp. It’s been a challenge, I’m tired. Setting up the Hilleberg Unna for the night. Garmin Montana GPS elevation graph showing the ascent of Indian Head Mountain. Google Earth map showing the to and fro hike of Indian Head Mountain. Heading back to the Platte Clove parking lot, loving the level ground. Artist in Residence program. Back at the parking lot, the trusty BMW R1200GS had a good night’s sleep. Passing by a Confederate Flag on the way home. What are they doing up in Yankee territory?