(Picture of Brian Wilson Kernighan)
As I have completely overhauled my site, I thought it only fitting to begin with a Hello World post…
One of the very first things that a newbie learns is, “Hello World!” It is a tradition, a means of passage as one enters into the computing world. The first known version was from Brian Kernighan’s “Tutorial Introduction to the Language B”;, in 1972.
He wrote:
main( ) {
extrn a, b, c;
a 'hell';
b 'o, w';
c 'orld';
In 1972, in an internal Bell Laboratories memo, he wrote, “Programming in C: A Tutorial”, containing:
main( ) {
printf("hello, world");
Feel free to comment with your language’s way of saying “Hello World”. I would love for this post to contain any way imaginable to say “Hello World”.